Yahovah Eloheem

In union with the Messiah and through the Good News the Gentiles were to be joint heirs, a joint body and joint sharers with the Jews in what God has promised.  (Ephesians 3:6 CJB)

Learn More

Welcome to our website!

Yahovah Eloheem Ministries is a Messianic Hebraic Root Assembly. Our goal is to provide solid biblical teachings based on the Jewish roots of our faith. The foundation of our faith was shattered when gentiles became leaders of the congregation and severed all ties with the Messianic Communities.

The early church fathers compromised the faith with pagan beliefs and brought in many damaging heresies, pagan customs and deities which are still being practiced and worshiped today. It is 
Yahweh's purpose to bring all believers together in one body in Mesiah.


Yeshua, Yahweh’s lamb, brought Shalom by his blood. He broke down the wall that divided us, thus making us one. However, through anti-Semitism and replacement theology that wall has been rebuilt and we are divided more now than ever. Yahweh is raising up an army of believers, in these last days who are hungry for the pure sincere undiluted milk of His word. A people who is hungry to know Yah more deeply. Their eyes are being opened,and they are shaking off the chains of man-made traditions. 

Pastor Myrtis Olique


Spiritual Growth and Edification

Bible Studies In PDF Format


Our unique High Priest.pdf        The Good News of Matthew-1-3       



What Elohim says about Yeshua- lesson 2.pdf


Yahweh Intense Love. Pdf

Prayer and Devotional

warfare prayer.pdf                  Warfare Prayer for Revival


The moat High Elohim is your Fortress.pdf         Lord of Breaking Through


Our Pastor

    Myrtis Olique is a pastor, teacher, evangelist, and soloist. She has been in ministry for more than Sixty years. Much of her ministries was done in Nursing homes, Prisons, and Radio ministries. 

    After learning the history of the Church and Christianity, the Ruach ha-Kodesh/Holy Spirit directed Myrtis to change her method of teaching to include restoration to the foundation of the christian faith.  Because the people of Yahweh error in not knowing the truth, it is her assignment from the Ruach Ha-Kodesh to make believers aware of who Yahweh is and his purpose for all humanity. To teach in a way that would bring about reconciliation between messianic and non-messianic believes.

   Standing on Ephesians 4:11-12, Myrtis makes every effort to equip Elohim’s people for the works of service that builds the body of the Messiah.  

   Myrtis teaches live on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitters, and Zoom. And encourages believers to study the bible, turn from damaging traditions and embrace the Hebraic root of our faith.



Yah is asking us to move out of our comfort zone and move forward by faith. Yah said to open your mouth wide and he will fill it. Yah will provide everything you need to accomplish his purpose.

Become a member

Our Events


Join us every Sunday

at 3:00 PM EST

School of the Spirit

bible study

 Join us on




Click on Zoom to join

Or Call: 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID:342-535-4049#

Passcode: 577980

Our Lessons are being livestreamed on YouTube each Saturday at 10:00 AM and Sunday at 3:00 PM

 Please click on the above link to join us.

Facebook Link


Prayer and Praise

Every Wednesday


12:00 PM


Please Join Us.

YouTube www.youtube.com/yeministries


With the world in the state, it is right now, many are in fear and are very stressed.  As members is Yah’s Kingdom we must draw our strength and courage from Him.  He only has the answer to this world’s dilemma. However, we are told to call on him in prayer in the name of our savior Yeshua. 

“Yahweh who does it, Yahweh who forms it to establish it—Yahweh is his name, says: ‘Call to me, and I will answer you, and will show you great and difficult things, which you don’t know.’ (Jeremiah 33:2-3 WEB)


United In Yah -


Worldwide Messianic Prayer and Praise.

Covering the earth with Prayer all over the world, twenty-four hour a day, seven days a week.

Appealing to the Father, (Yahweh) to intervein in worldly affairs and to bring about his will in and through his people.

Please click here on the image to view past events of praise and prayer.


The Good News of Matthew Serial



The Final hours of the Lamb King.

Chapter 27:32-44

Watch LIVE on YouTube

@ 10:00 am

Click on this link to watch



A New and Living Way to The Father

[Hebrews 10:20-22]

Watch this lesson on YouYube



Zoom Sabbath School

10:00 am


“Israel’s Many Advantages ” [Part one]

  Romans 9:1-4

Watch this lesson on YouYube




“Israel’s Many Advantages

[Part Two]

Romans 9:4


Watch this lesson on YouYube



Israel's Many Advantages

[Part Three]

Romans 9:5

Watch this lesson on YouYube


It’s All About Faith
Romans 10:1-11

  1. Righteousness Through Faith in Messiah

    Chapter 3:1-11

Our Lessons are being streamed live at 10:00 AM on

YouTube www.youtube.com/yeministries

and at 12:00 PM on

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/ye.bova/

 Please subscribe to our YouTube to be notified when we begin, and follow us on Facebook.


Please Partner With Us!

Our mission is to teach the good news of salvation through every available means. On radio, social media, home bible studies and various other outreach ministries. To encourage and equip believers. To provide food, clothing, and financial assistance to needy members as well as other needy persons, at home or abroad.

Yeshua gives you this promise

Give, and you will receive gifts—the full measure, compacted, shaken together and overflowing, will be put right in your lap. For the measure with which you measure out will be used to measure back to you!"
(Luke 6:38 CJB)

D o n a t e

About Us

Our goal is to provide solid Biblical teachings to break down denominational and traditional barriers to the gospel. We are reaching out to believers who have a common mind and a common purpose to join with us as faithful ambassador for the Kingdom of Yeshua.

Contact Us

YaHoVah EloHEEM Ministries
P.O. Box 651118
Miami, FL 33265-1118
Phone: (305) 278-0267
Email: yeministries@msn.com