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Lesson And Videos

The Rapture and Second Coming of the Messiah- Lesson 1  PDF

The Rapture and Second coming of the Messiah-
Lesson one YouTube

The Rapture and Second Coming of the Messiah- Lesson 2.  -  PDF

The Rapture and Second coming of the Messiah-
Lesson Two YouTube

The Rapture and Second Coming of the Messiah- Lesson 3. - PDF

The Rapture and Second coming of the Messiah-
Lesson Three YouTube

The Rapture and Second Coming of the Messiah- Lesson 4. - PDF

The Rapture and Second Coming of the Messiah-
Lesson Four YouTube

The Rapture and Second Coming of the Messiah- Lesson 5. -PDF

 The Rapture and Second Coming of the Messiah-Lesson 5.

Smyrna the Persecuted congregation.-Lesson Five.- PDF

Smyrna the persecuted congregation on YouTube

Walk Carefully and Strictly. - 

Walk Carefully and Strictly on YouTube

The Oneness of Elohim. - 

The Oneness of Elohim on  YouTube

Yeshua Delivered the Enslaved. -

Yeshua Delivered the Enslaved on Youtube

Bible Study Notes- PDF 

Pease click on images to view , download and share these notes.

The Sign of the Messiah

Understanding Elohim Through His Name

This lesson explains the important of knowing and using the name of the most important Person in the universe. El Elyon. And why most believers do not know the name of the Elohim/God they serve.

"Therefore, I will make them know, once and for all, I will make them know my power and my might. Then they will know that my name is Yahweh”. (Jeremiah 16:21


It Is All About the Blood


The price paid to free humanity from sin was much more than silver and gold.  It was the bloody costly sacrificial death of Yahweh’s son.  He is Yah’s Lamb who took away the sins of the world


Colossian Chapter One

Introduction/Praise and prayer


Colossian Chapter Two

Live a Life Rooted in Messiah


The book of Colossians Serial.

The epistle to the Colossians is one of the most important books in the bible for believers to study because in it we get a thorough knowledge of Yeshua the Messiah. Yeshua is above all else, he is in all things, he created all things and he hold all things together.

Audio Lesson

El- Elyon, the most High God, the creator and sustainer of the universe, theomnipotent, [all powerful] omniscient,[all knowing] omnipresence [all presence] God, has chosen to reveal himself to humanity through the different attributes, that reveals his character.

1. “How well do you know your God”?(Part one)

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2. “How well do you know your God”? (PartTwo)

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It’s amazing sometimes, how we can be victorious over some of the strongest and most powerful temptations you can imagine, but allow the weakest and smallest, most insignificant temptations to eventually become our downfall.

3. The Detrimental Effect of Private Sin

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There can be no spiritual victory, without spiritual battles. Paul reminds us in Ephesians chapter six, that we are at war, and faces the enemy each day. However, we do not expect to be defeated, we expect to be victorious.

4. The Overcoming Life 

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Video Lesson

In this lessons serial "Man has re-established the middle wall" I have examined scriptures and church history to determine when, why, and how the congregation of Yeshua (Jesus) is totally Gentile today. Both Jewish and gentile believers, need to understand this to embrace the biblical Jewish roots of their faith.

Let No One Disqualify You

Yahweh Wants You blessed


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Our goal is to provide solid Biblical teachings to break down denominational and traditional barriers to the gospel. We are reaching out to believers who have a common mind and a common purpose to join with us as faithful ambassador for the Kingdom of Yeshua.

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YaHoVah EloHEEM Ministries
P.O. Box 651118
Miami, FL 33265-1118
Phone: (305) 278-0267

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